Friday, 21 May 2010

Post modernism and The Other side

Dick Hebdige.

The author argues that the term "Post modernism" is one which hold some sort of distorted meaning to, and often used when referring to anything post-war. This could be an arhitectural building or even the decline of the university. The author further suggests that the word to some extent carries a "lazy" connotation.
The author believes that because there are so many definitions and unclarity about the word, and differing opinions and debates have been formed about this word, the topic must be worthwhile in terms of research.
In order to do this Hebidge decides to apply semanticc research methods. Michael Newman simplifies the definition of the word by dividing them into two aspects. The first one which is derived from Kant simply defines post-modernism as "seeks to establish the autonomy of art", whilst the second one which traces back from Hegel "aspires to the heteronomous dissolution of art into life/ political practice and leads through the surrealist, the constructivitist, futurists, etc to the performance artists and the conceptualists on the 1970's.
Hebdige further states that the term can still be defined differently by different writers especially when they are talking about different "posts".
The author describes three main features of post-modernism, which are very critical of marxist theories.
1. Against Totalisation
2. Against Teleology
3. Against Utopia

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