The website beautiful people, has been one which has caused controversy since it was launched. It is simply a dating site for yes you guessed it "beautiful people", and excludes ugly people from joining the website.
Hmm shallow I know,well I decided to probe a little further and decided to apply for this membership, not because I am looking for a date, believe me I am more than capable of finding a date, without the help of a dating site.Anyways I applied to join this service, in order to get an insight into what the dating site was about.
I was shocked beyond belief at my discoveries.
Contrary to the media coverage, this wasnt an exclusive website, where attractive people found their soul mates, but merely a forum where... err not so beautiful people, but a group of sad people went and hoped their egos will be massaged, by people who the only thing they had in common, was probably the size of their peanut brains.
Before, I carried out my research, I was certain that these people and website could be termed as Philistines, simply because they were simply shallow, and were very interested in the materialistic ways of the world, and most of all the pettiness of finding an attractive soul mate.What happened to "dont look for love, let it find you",... I guess Mathew Arnold was right, old traditions are fading away, gone are those days, were men courted women!
As I digged deeper into the process, I found out that after you applied for your membership, exisiting members would then vote as to whether you were considered beautiful or not. Ok fair enough, pass the judgements if that helps you feel better about yourself right?? Oh no... I discovered that the applicant created forums where they pleaded with existing members to vote for them..
Having made my discoveries, I changed my opinion about this website and decided they werent even worthy to be called Philistines, at least Philistines were middle class, these people were simply the populace, the masses, a bunch of low- class, shallow minded people who simply either wanted to pass time by, with endless, revolting and smutty conversations, or were simply looking for a sex buddy.
My research then took a turn for the better, when I stumbled across an article in Pr week, claiming that the Pr company responsible for Beautiful people, had aimed to provoke media attention with controversial press releases. They hoped this would spark a debate and attract more hits and application.
It makes my stomach churn, to admit that their pr campaign worked, as their websites has been flooded with several applications.
This made my research slightly more difficult, because I went back to viewing them as Philistines, a bunch of money grabbing, attention seeking individuals, interested in Petty little things.
Judging this website as a Leavistist, I believe this is a very shallow media text that is not worth viewing or visiting. It is far from being an intellectual media outlet, it seems to be spreading through the masses, as more people seem to be applying to join this website.
I am sure you are all wondering, if i got accepted, No i didnt, only because I refiused to participate within the groups, I didnt beg for votes or even have a profile picture, so yes there was nothing to vote for, I could have been a three eyed monster for all they knew.