Thursday, 18 February 2010

Mass Civilisation And Minority Culture

I read this piece, which is somewhat confusing, but after a couple of reads managed to get the jist of it, and found that it was a somewhat interesting piece.
In this article, F.R Leavis basically talks about the problems we face today in describing culture,he believes that in any given period or era, only a small minortiy understand art and literature which culture is heavily attached to. He believes there is the minority that believes that there is a certain way to respond, i.e how to act, what is right from wrong.
However he believes that the modern phase of human history has changed this dynamics,a term he names "The machine", e.g the automobile, he believes has broken up families and revolutionised custom. He also mentions films as a strong influence, as they target emotions, thereby causing a passive direction which leads the masses not to think for themselves.
Furthermore, he argues that the landmarks have shifted, the distinctions and boundaries are all gone, and so there is no definite term for "culture" as everyone has their own idea of what culture is or should be.
In addition, he believes that it is impossible to resist" the machine" or attempt to create a new "mass culture".

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